Sunday, January 15, 2012


What would happen if there were a group of people so dedicated to the oral tradition of storytelling that they would intentionally seek to destroy the written word, so humanity would have no choice but to revert to non-written stories?

This sounds idiotic, but there are two very important points that lend credibility to the theory:
1. They wouldn't accomplish much, because they would be absolute shit at organizing. Everything would have to discussed orally, there would be no legal agreements or easy communication and plans would be almost impossible to discuss. Think about it: how do you explain to somebody who doesn't/can't read how to use Skype to set up a conference call? It's a doomed venture. These people would be so ineffectual as to be non-existent.
2. I like this bit in particular: Nobody could prove that they (don't) exist. There would be no documentation, no incriminating evidence left in the paper shredder, no uncoverable secrets.

Seriously, if it weren't for the problem of communication, this would be brilliant. You can never be caught, if there's no proof you were even involved and courts require more than just hear-say or claims.

It would be the most perfect and perfectly useless conspiracy ever. I love this idea.

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