Saturday, July 30, 2011

I probably shouldn't post this, but I've had the necessary amount of caffeine and alcohol.

So a twist on the idea of a romantic story, with or without comedy, best suited, visually speaking,  for a comic book style.

Page 1 introduces two lead characters with swaths of text giving a quick description of each and a short history of their relationship. Some sappy gibberish about problems overcome, trials and tribulations and the remaining rot copyable wholesale from almost any movie. Then, on page 2, they die a swift-yet-not-too-disfiguring death and are buried together.

The remainder of the comic follows two necrophiliacs who dig up the corpses, drag them back to their shared apartment and continue to have sexual relations with said corpses (after, ofcourse, neatly reburying the graves. They're necrophiliacs; not savages. In fact, that should be their motto).

The tricky bit is that they've done quite a bit of research on these people pre-death and actually have 'conversations' with the corpses on account of not being of the soundest mental health. It is later established that they had in fact chosen these two after stalking them and finding out whatever they could about them. In fact, they actively created the 'accident' that killed the fake protagonists and it's made clear this isn't the first time.

Several romantic dinners, nights of cuddling and entirely fictional arguments with corpses in various states of putrefaction later, the necrophiliacs decide to kill themselves to join their dearly beloved in the afterlife. They, ofcourse, make sure to kill themselves in a neat and orderly fashion, but only after having left a letter explaining the matter in its entirety to whomever comes upon the scene. After all, they are, as has been established, necrophiliacs; not savages.

It then ends with an image of necro1+2 having intercourse of the unpleasant variety with their victims in the bowels of hell. The bottom of the page reads:"The End and Fuck You." Flipping it over, the very last page and back cover are used for a splash page representing a nightmare I once had:
Background: A giant tiger/man/horse with visible sewing, mutilation and rotting bits. 17 Eyes attached to the limbs. Vomiting a sea of hair.
Foreground: The giant, metallic face of Hitler chewing on infant corpses while a naked Japanese man runs circles shouting:"Me no fucky ducky!"

That's about as romantic as I get.

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