Saturday, July 16, 2011

The point of it all.

In creating this blog, I am essentially replacing all the notebooks that have been filling up for a decade now. Most of the things I've written over the years would make me cringe if I attempted to read them today, but I'm not one to learn from my mistakes, so I've decided to start archiving my embarrassing ramblings on the internet.

As for my intentions, I have decided I shall post whatever thoughts pop into my head that I deem even somewhat interesting and shall express them in the manner most comfortable and understandable for myself. In other words, if you disapprove of my literary mannerisms and word usage: too fucking bad. I write as I think and I have no intention of translating my, perhaps excessively, verbose thoughts into common speech. Not only would doing so affect my own pleasure in writing, but it would force a translation of meaning into an essentially unfamiliar thought pattern. I may, at times, write in varying styles for any number of reasons; especially in the case of fictional pieces. Put simply: I can't make any stylistic guarantees.

As for actual content, I intend to write not only the eventual worked out versions of ideas, but also the primary thoughts and explorations thereof. This is as much for my own benefit as yours. With any luck, you'll enjoy reading the various steps from a simple idea to an actual story or more fleshed out theory. For my part, I will have a clearer overview of how I came to a conclusion. This is something I found problematically lacking in older writings, where a final product was frequently presented without much in the way of context or inspiration. I find it quite vexing to read my own older work and think:"What the hell was the point of this again?" only to realize there are no indications in the text itself and nowhere in the crumbling caverns of my memory do I even recall writing the piece.

Furthermore, I don't intend to limit this blog to either particular types of writings nor even internal consistency. I may use posts as nothing more than a way for myself to work out ideas for parts of other works I have on my pc or laptop or as depositories for the rambling theories that occupy my mind. Random chunks of stories without explanations or introductions to the characters may appear, but will probably be easily distinguishable by their titles and/or a preface stating as much. There may  be opinions expressed which are my own, but it's equally possible that an opinion seems to me to fit the character or simply makes for a good excuse to write.

I think that covers the basics.

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